Are the handbags that you sell original or fake?

We sell only replica handbags, which means that those are copies of the original models made in our partner factory using similar materials looking the same as the original design of the world-famous brand of women’s bags. No one will ever notice that you are wearing a copy because the quality of the materials are standardized and the factory manufacture processes are certificated, therefore our products look almost identical but our handbags cost cheaper because you don’t pay for the brand name.

How long does the delivery time takes?

Approximate worldwide shipping time is 7 to 15 days, but most often the delivery would take only about 4-7 days. You will receive the tracking number of your parcel in 48 hours after you have made a purchase in our shop. Please check that your address and contact phone number are stated correctly, so the courier of the delivery company could easily contact you. We guarantee delivery of your order right to your door, but in case you are not home you can always pick up the parcel from the local post office or delivery partner branch. Please contact us if your parcel has not arrived or in case of any other issue regarding delivery and/or product quality because we value our reputation and your satisfaction the most.

Is there a way to track my parcel?

Tracking number is provided for every order in our online shop. It allows you to see where your parcel is currently is and its current status for any particular moment. We will send you the tracking number within 48 hours but keep in mind that the status of your parcel will only be changed in the system after 2-3 business days.


Popular delivery company for our orders. Tracking numbers provided by EMS start with either EE or EA and end up with CN.

You can track EMS shipments through your national postal service website: (USA) (UK) (Canada)

If you are not sure which national postal service is responsible for the delivery in your country you can always find it here:


A DHL tracking number is 10 digits and the parcel system to be tracked is:


A UPS tracking starts with M or H and parcel can be tracked at:


A TNT tracking has 9 digits & parcel can be tracked at:


If your tracking number begins with WKO you can track it here:


Aramex tracking number is a 7 or a 3 and they are 10 digits long and they can be tracked here:

Just enter the tracking number we have sent to you into the appropriate box on the shipping courier’s website to see the current information on your package. In case you still have any unanswered questions, feel free to click the Contact Us button. Our support staff is always there for you and is happy to answer any questions.

Please contact us in case you have any issues with tracking number, our team always happy to answer your questions.

What should I do if my tracking number does not show anything?

Please wait a few days because it always takes time before an order can leave our warehouse and arrive at the local delivery department so that they could process and register your parcel in their system.

How much does the shipping cost?

The price of shipping always depends on the country of delivery. Please check the link for shipping costs. Shipping is free for orders over 199 US Dollars.

What payment methods are accepted?

We are proud to offer a lot of payment options to make your shopping easier:

Credit/Debit Cards:

Visa Credit Card.

Visa Debit Card.

Western Union:

We offer a 5% discount for all orders paid for through Western Union.


We offer a 10% discount for all orders paid for through BitCoin.


We offer a 10% discount for all US client who pays with e-check in our shop

What kind of guarantee is provided? is happy offer a guarantee for all products from our online shop, meaning that we will refund your payment if there is any issue regarding quality that makes you not satisfied or in case if a parcel gets lost. We guarantee 100% Money-Back to your credit\debit card or Bitcoin Wallet. After seeing that the order is returned in the same original condition we will send your money back. Please also refer to the page with guarantees provided on our website.

Would it be possible to send an item back if it does not fulfil my expectations?

Our clients always have 10 days to make sure the quality of our products is high enough to satisfy their expectations. In these 10 days, you are able to make a product return via your local branch of a delivery company in your town. Item must be in new condition as it was originally sent to you with all accessories in the parcel without any damages or signs of use.

To start the return process, please contact us by email or on the Contact Us link at the top header menu of our shop page, and our team will help you quickly.

Is there any country you cannot ship to?

We can’t ship to the below listed countries because their custom regulations or custom clearances make it complicated or even impossible to get the item.

  • Chile
  • Hondoras
  • Guatemala
  • Barbados
  • Argentina
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Turks and Caicos
Is customs ok with this?

In 99% of cases the custom departments only look to the parcel documentation, but there is a 1% probability that they will stop a parcel at clearance for some reason. In this particular case we will reship your order again at our own expense.

Do i need to pay import taxes or custom fee?

There will be no taxes or fees, because we declare the parcel as a gift with a low value which is partly the truth. In some situations, the customs department must check the parcel and if they find that the value of the parcel is higher than it was declared they would ask for a documentation to prove the price was declared correctly. This gets easily handled by our team within few working days.

If some item is not in stock at the moment, how long will it take to become available again?

In case a product is sold out it usually takes about 15-30 days before it gets back in stock again. If you see the ‘Buy Now’, that means we are selling this product again. Sometimes if you have been waiting for a certain item for a long time, and it seems that it does not reappear in stock anymore, please contact us and we will try our best to recheck our stock and help you out with the exact model.

Customer Notification:

You can be notified when an item, which was out of stock, is restocked. To get an email notification of a restocked item, please go back to the out of stock items page and find the “Notify me when this product is back in stock” button next to the items description and enter your email address in the box below and then confirm it. As soon as the item is back in stock you will receive an automated email notification.


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